Take The Time To Enjoy Your Wedding Reception With The Help Of Hog Roast Dorking’s Easy Canapes

Hog Roast DorkingThe occasion of your big day can fly by just like that. With so much going on all across the day of your wedding, and with so many people to meet and greet and toast with, it can be easy to get swept out and miss out on a lot of it as it blurs by. You don’t get a moment when it comes to weddings, so even something like getting to settle in and enjoy your dinner can pass on by without much notice. It helps, where possible, to just take a moment to enjoy it all, and to make sure to savour the little things… such as the caterer’s delicious canapes!

Hog Roast DorkingThe wedding reception is great for guests, but as the bride and groom you may find yourself rushed about, and with all that you’re going to end up starving. At Hog Roast Dorking, we know that having some lighter canapes on hand can be a godsend for stressed out newlyweds. You’ve got people to greet, photos to get done, small parts of the service to organise, or issues to get sorted, so you barely have a moment to get anything to eat, and the dinner can seem that much further away with all the speeches and ceremony still to come. Fortunately, with Hog Roast Dorking, we’ll ensure that you always have a little something to keep you and your guests going.

During the reception our canapes are great for keeping the flow of the party going. Guests are going to be all around mingling and chatting, so our service team will just blend into the crowd and move through with platters of delicious light bites from our canapé menu. Small bites such as our mini quiches, our small wedge of salmon on bread, fillets of beef, roasted duck spring rolls, and roasted tomato and halloumi crostini will make the reception even better. Of course, with you rushing about for photos and the like, our Hog Roast Dorking team will make sure we keep some back specially for you, just in case we can’t catch you in the room!