Hog Roast Reigate – Christening Lunch
Hog Roast Reigate are your perfect caterers for any and all events you could imagine. Our team of professional chefs, experienced waiters and friendly office staff will work with you to create your dream event and of course, will provide the catering to really impress your guests. One of the major perks of utilising an ancient tried and tested cooking method such as hog roasting is that we have really been able to perfect the art over the years as our business has grown. Using our purpose-built Hog Roast Reigate machines anything is possible and we are able to scale any menu up or down according to your number of guests; whether that’s five or five hundred!

This weekend we had a relatively small number of guests to cater for, thirty, at baby Islas christening party. Islas parents had enlisted our help to provide a light lunch after the ceremony at the church to thank all of their guests for coming and to spend some quality family time with long distance relatives. They had asked us to prepare our signature Hog Roast Reigate rolls for the day. These rolls, for those who don’t know, consist of our slow roasted pork meat that we skilfully carve when succulent and place into freshly baked rolls. This is then topped with our mouth-watering crackling, created by our chef who gently scores the skin of the hog before roasting and applies lots of sea salt and water to allow the skin to deliciously crisp up. Finally, the roll is complete when we add a dollop of our homemade tangy applesauce and a spoonful of our traditional sage and onion stuffing. Simply delicious!
Catering from the adjoining church hall we had a brilliant day for it as the sun shone in through the stained-glass windows. When the christening was complete Islas parents couldn’t stop thanking us for what they described as the ‘perfect christening meal!’.